How to find good textures

How do you find good textures that would help improve builds?

You can always create your own textures or look for good textures on the toolbox. Here is a good texture pack that I use: Professional Texture Pack - Roblox

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It really depends on what textures your normally looking for realistic textures, non realistic textures?

Please search this has been brought up already including recently. If you’re just looking for realistic textures used in sorting builds or implemented inside showcases there are there are thousands of resources available in the toolbox and useful sites you’ll need to see if they’re useable.

You could always search ‘texture pack’ in the toolbox you’ll find some useful textures and see whatever suits your liking but you’ll be better off finding other textures to make your builds more immersive - realistic In a kind of way. There’s a few textures sites that could achieve those realistic approaches or whatever approach your wanting.

The forum has useful information tutorials for either making your own custom textures or using free texture.

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