How to find items in a table or folder but also make adjustments to it, based on the string that a player types

I have a folder of cars that players are able to spawn in by just typing the name of the car, problem is I’m adding new features where they can type like, “big red mustang” and it’s supposed to size the car bigger and change the color to red, but my code currently looks through the folder for “big red mustang” but only finds “mustang” so it returns nil.

Is there a better way to break down the specifications in the input string? I looked into string.find but I don’t think that completely covers my needs, I need a method that would almost be similar to the game Scribblenauts

Could you provide me the script so I can help you?

You will have to split the name into words, check the leading words for any useful adjectives and use the part of the name that comes after any adjectives as the name of the car.

Something like this:

local adjectives = {"big", "small", "red", "blue", "black"}

-- speed up search by turning it into a map of [word] = true
for _,v in ipairs(adjectives) do
	adjectives[v] = true

local function strToNameAndAdjectives(str, adjectives)
	local words = {}
	local i = 1
	local word
	while true do
		-- word: the word found at position i
		-- j: a position after the word
		local word, j = string.match(str, "([^%s]+)%s*()", i)
		-- if word == nil or not table.find(adjectives, word) then
		if word == nil or not adjectives[word] then
			-- word was not recognized, it might be the name
			return string.sub(str, i), words
			-- word was recognized, add it to the list and search for the next one in the next loop iteration
			table.insert(words, word)
			i = j

print(strToNameAndAdjectives("big red mustang", adjectives)) --> "mustang", {"big", "red"}
print(strToNameAndAdjectives("small black beetle", adjectives)) --> "beetle", {"small", "black"}
print(strToNameAndAdjectives("blue pickup truck", adjectives)) --> "pickup truck", {"blue"}

After you have the name and adjectives, you search for the car named “mustang” and apply any appropriate changes corresponding to “big” and “red”.

Note that this code will fail if there are spaces surrounding the full name (it might attempt to search for the adjective " big", or a "mustang ").
It also doesn’t flinch at e.g. “red big mustang” even though it sounds odd in English, although there is no reason for it not to accept this name.

As for truly Scribblenauts-like parsing, you should read about how they did it, if someone’s analyzed it yet. It can’t be that complicated, it just takes a really large dictionary.

Edit: while I normally scoff at using string.split to get individual words from a string and joining the remainder back together like a noob making his first admin command script, here it sort of works because it also gets rid of insignificant whitespace in the name of the car. Someone might accidentally write

blue     pickup       truck

and get a blue "pickup________truck" from the above code, which doesn’t exist - with string.split and table.concat, these extra spaces disappear.

Wow!! You have been most helpful. Thank you very much