How to find Part with a value? also some more things

Hi! I was making a storage shelf in a game I’m working on. You hold E, and if you’re holding a tool then it’ll put it on the shelf. However, when it’s activated, not only did it activate both things, it says “tried to index nil with ‘:Clone()’” Help would be appreciated!

item = false
stored = ""
	local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
	if char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool") and item == false then
		script.Parent.Hold.Enabled = false
		local tool = char:FindFirstChildWhichIsA("Tool")
		local handle = tool.Handle
		handle.Name = tool.Name
		handle.Parent = workspace
		handle.Position = script.Parent.Position
		handle.CanCollide = true
		handle.Anchored = true
		item = true
		stored = handle.Name
		script.Parent.Hold.ActionText = "Take"
		script.Parent.Hold.ObjectText = "Retrieve your ".. handle.Name ..""
		script.Parent.Hold.Enabled = true
	if item == true then
		script.Parent.Hold.Enabled = false
		local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("Tool")
		local part = script.Parent:FindFirstChild(stored)
		local char = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait()
		local newtool = tool:Clone()
		local newpart = part:Clone() -- problem
		part.Name = "Handle"
		part.Parent = newtool
		newtool.Parent = char
		newpart.Transparency = 1
		newpart.CanCollide = false
		newpart.Anchored = true
		newtool.Name = newpart.Name
		newpart.Parent = newtool
		item = false
		stored = ""
		script.Parent.Hold.ActionText = "Store"
		script.Parent.Hold.ObjectText = "Store holding item"
		script.Parent.Hold.Enabled = true