How to find the highest value in a table?

Hello! Im currently trying to create a function that finds the highest number in a table, but I don’t know how to create this type of system if anyone could help me out and maybe explain it to me that would be great!

Thanks for reading:D


You can loop through the table and check if that value is greater than either of the past values.

local numberTable = {10, 8, 5, 0, 1, 18, 27}

local highestnumber = 0

for i, v in pairs(numberTable) do
      local number = tonumber(v)
     if number > highestnumber then
        highestnumber = number

Thanks for showing me, I think i understand how it works

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@XdJackyboiiXd21 beat me w/ the code.

I’ll just add that this assumes the list is not sorted. If you know it is sorted, then you can do a binary search instead to find values. And to get lowest/highest values, just grab the first/last value. That being said, it is not worth sorting a list just to do a binary search or find min/max.


Couldn’t agree more. Sorting the table is NOT the way to implement a min/max function since you would end up using an nlog(n) algorithm for something that can be solved in linear time.


Thanks for the information! Ill probably check dev hub to read more on tables

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If you are confused at all on how it works feel free to ask and we can explain. Also with any other part about tables.