(Sorry for bad title)
I got this function from a very nice guy which returns be a color3 but I want it to return color3 and the name of the color
local biomeColours =
["sand"] = Color3.fromRGB (239, 240, 147),
["grass"] = Color3.fromRGB (159, 226, 87),
["forest"] = Color3.fromRGB (116, 130, 46),
["snow"] = Color3.fromRGB (203, 203, 203)
local terrainColorSequence = ColorSequence.new{
ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0, biomeColours["sand"]),
ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0.5, biomeColours["grass"]),
ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(0.7, biomeColours["forest"]),
ColorSequenceKeypoint.new(1, biomeColours["snow"]),
function evalCS(cs, time)
if time == 0 then return cs.Keypoints[1].Value end
if time == 1 then return cs.Keypoints[#cs.Keypoints].Value end
for i = 1, #cs.Keypoints - 1 do
local this = cs.Keypoints[i]
local next = cs.Keypoints[i + 1]
if time >= this.Time and time < next.Time then
local alpha = (time - this.Time) / (next.Time - this.Time)
local color = Color3.new(
(next.Value.R - this.Value.R) * alpha + this.Value.R,
(next.Value.G - this.Value.G) * alpha + this.Value.G,
(next.Value.B - this.Value.B) * alpha + this.Value.B
local biome = -- idk
return color, biome
So it should return something like this: 0.639886, 0.889137, 0.353444, “sand”