How to find the part with the same name as the skin value in the leaderstats

local findpart = game.ReplicatedStorage.folder:FindFirstChild(

The script format I wrote is like this.
But it’s not right because if write it like this, script is find the skin value.
I want to know how to make a script to find a part that has the same name as skin value Please help me!!

-- Assuming you have these variables set up:
local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer -- Change to the specific player you're interested in
local skinValue = -- The value you want to match
local folder = game.ReplicatedStorage.folder -- The folder containing the parts

for _, part in pairs(folder:GetDescendants()) do
    if part:IsA("BasePart") and part.Name == skinValue then
        -- You found a part with the same name as the skin value
        -- Do something with the part here
        print("Found part with name:", skinValue)
        print("Part's position:", part.Position)


  1. skinValue is set to the skin leaderstat value of the player you’re interested in.
  2. You iterate through the descendants of the `folder’ (assuming you have one).
  3. For each descendant, you check if it’s a BasePart (a part that has a name) and if its name matches the skinValue.
  4. If a matching part is found, you can perform actions of the part.
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Happy to help! Please message me if you have questions or need anything else.

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