So I’m trying to find the players from a JobId, but I can’t seem to find a way to do it. I’m using to find the servers and the only thing that I can get is the player count and JobId. How can I do this?
is this even possible?
So I’m trying to find the players from a JobId, but I can’t seem to find a way to do it. I’m using to find the servers and the only thing that I can get is the player count and JobId. How can I do this?
is this even possible?
Are you trying to create a server list showing all players?
I’m trying to make a script that checks a Roblox game’s servers and I can get access to all the players of that server. (meaning me getting the username, userid, etc.)
In that case, I’d recommend using MessagingService as you can use PublishAsync and SubscribeAsync.
The documentation can be found here for it. Lmk if you need further help.
I know what you’re talking about, but I trying to get a list of servers & players from EVERY roblox game.
Oh. I apologize, but I dont know how to do that.
Hmm… What you could do is send a request to{GAME/EXPERIENCE ID GOES HERE}/servers/Public?sortOrder=Desc&excludeFullGames=false&limit=100&cursor=
(GET, no extra cookies/tokens required) and receive a json response sort of like this:
"previousPageCursor": null,
"nextPageCursor": null,
"data": [
"id": "7660a6b7-249e-4454-88de-4f63f73c6a91",
"maxPlayers": 15,
"playing": 4,
"playerTokens": [
"players": [],
"fps": 39.687702,
"ping": 119
I’m still researching how to get the player ids from player tokens…
If what you’re looking to do is find the headshots of each player, then you can look at the solution above. If you are looking to find the player ids themselves, then unfortunately this is not possible.
The values returned by that endpoint are hashes used to fetch headshots and headshots only. This is by design. And it is designed particularly to prevent API abuse such as this.
People were using these endpoints to scrape players and identify what servers certain players were in so Roblox decided to put a stop to it and hash all player ids instead.
There is no solution, unfortunately.
That’s precisely what I’ve done, yet the “players” table returns nothing.
I have edited my post to reflect further details.
Hello! can you help me figure out how to use the tokens to get an actual headshot inside Roblox?
I’ve tried setting the Image property to the token, unfortunately it doesn’t seem to load up. I’ve even tried copying the image address from a player on the servers tab of a game and setting the Image to that, didn’t work either.
You could try MemoryStoreService? It usually used for matchmaking, it should help you in this case too.
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