How to fit a frame inside of an image boudaries?

I’m currently working on a game. To make it quick : At a moment in the game, you can pick up a ballistic vest, and it’ll make an icon pop up to indicate your vest life :
(The vest icon)
So to indicate the vest life, I would resize a frame located inside the ImageLabel like this :

But instead of having the result shown above, I have this :

Any idea on how I can achieve the right result?

If you make the white rectangle a child of the vest icon, there will be a property in the vest icon saying something about clipping (I forgot the actual property name). Turn that on.

I’ve already turn that on, and the frame is already a child of the icon.
Problem is that the result gives this

Oh yeah that’s because the icon’s image boundry is a box surrounding the icon. The only workaround for this is to edit in the white in a separate editing program.

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Isn’t there a way to change the image boundaries to fits the icon?

Nope, all images are square/rectangle. There isn’t any way of changing that.

Oh, alright.
While we were talking I got an idea :
I made a fully white model of the vest.
I think I manage to achieve some kind of the result, with a frame and an offset size
I’m just resizing the frame and it crops the full vest model

And it works fine to be honest, the result is pretty nice