How to fix a billboard GUI

Hello there!

How can i fix this:

Are you referring to the billboard gui vanishing? Set the MaxDistance to 0.

Change the billboards size to scale instead of offset.

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No, I mean the it getting bigger. It’s is gonna be a overhead but if you walk away that it isn’t gonna bigger

I used already offset for the overhead!

If you are using offset for the size, then it’s going to get bigger. Like I said, use scale.

That’s not where i Looking for sadly it didn’t help

That is the only way to fix it. I am sorry if that is not working for you.

Change the BillboardGui.Size to an offset based value. For example, a BillboardGui.Size of 0, 100, 0, 100 would take up 100 pixels on the user’s screen, no matter how far away they are. This is what the video is showing.