How to fix a-chassis wheel wobble

I set up my a-chassis car in studio and it drives but when it drives the wheels wobble a lot and I positioned everything and sized it all correctly so I’m not sure how to fix it

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Can you please show more information? This can be taken in many ways without the necessary information, such as the method you are using to mount the tires on the car.

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Make sure anything that is near or around the wheel is on NonCollide.

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I have my own wheels in the same position as the a-chassis wheels and everything is where its supposed to be I can attach a screenshot if you want when I’m on my computer

the entire car body has cancollide off and when I turned off cancollide for the wheels the car no longer moved

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I have my wheels (for example FL Wheel) in the parts group for FL which is the a-chassis wheel and FL (a-chassis wheel) and FL Wheel (my wheel) set to the same position and the a-chassis wheel size covers my entire wheel
Screenshot 2022-12-22 at 5.19.22 PM

Also make sure to give your wheels plenty of mass in the Custom Physical Properties.

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it wont let me mass is grayed out also I think I need to fit the a-chassis wheels over my wheels because right now the a-chassis wheels are too big over the wheels but when I scale it down the whole thing gets smaller I cant make it skinnier so I don’t know how to do that

i also played around with some of the anchoring things for parts of my wheel and the tire stopped wobbling I think but then other parts of the wheel wobbled and it got all broken

If Mass is greyed out you need to select CustomPhysicalProperties…once selected change the value of Density upwards a lot, this will then change the Mass.

oh ok i will try this thank you

i made the density of the a-chassis wheels 100 but they still wobbled I don’t know if its something with how I positioned the wheels but my wheels are in the exact same position as the a-chassis wheels and the a-chassis wheels are a lot wider than the regular wheels but i don’t know if that’s why its happening or how to scale them better

You have two sets of wheels? How did you attach your wheels to the a-chassis? A video or pictures will also help.

Ok so a-chassis comes with like its own wheels
Screenshot 2022-12-31 at 12.53.52 PM
And my car has wheels that I made
So I set the a-chassis wheels to the same position that my wheels were at and I also made the a-chassis wheels the size of my wheels well I tried they’re a lot thicker than my wheels and then I put my wheels in the parts section for each wheel (below is an example for the FL Wheel)
Screenshot 2022-12-31 at 12.54.51 PM
So that’s how I attached the wheels to the a-chassis
And I guess yeah I have two sets of wheels and ill also show the wobble

Oh i see what you mean with the wobble, i was picturing jittering. The wobble is from the attachment not being perfectly centered. Also, just putting the wheels into the parts section isn’t going to attach it to the chassis, you will need to switch out the wheels, and reconnect your new wheels to the chassis using constraints.

There are a few tutorials on how to construct the a-chassis properly, I would follow those because two sets of wheels isn’t going to work properly.


I actually found a model called constraint chassis and it drives like those Roblox free model cars which I think is fine because my game is about like destroying a car so I think it would be more fun to have them drive that way so im just gonna go with that instead of a-chassis but thank you for your help

Here’s the chassis: Constraint Chassis - #22 by ItsJustFahed

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