How to fix camera in Roblox Studio?

help me with this problem, when I press “play” I appeared and I can just run and I can’t control the camera, this problem didn’t exist before, but it appeared now


Check your camera type in


and tell me what it is

My CameraType: FIXED

Change it to custom

btw go to dev hub and learn about camera types they are super duper useful

At this case your camera type is Fixed meaning it will stay there and not move at all
Kind of same meaning as “Anchored” but anchored is for parts

Weird, I put it as you said but nothing has changed

Is it because the game wasn’t running when u changed it?

I started the game and the camera does not work either

robloxapp-20210224-1458378.wmv (1005.4 KB)

uhhh instead send me a video of game running and check your camera type when it is running

My type camera in game Default Classic

I mean your CameraType in your workspace.Camera

as you said I put Customm,and the problem is the same

All 4 years I have never had such a problem

But still try this

Add a LOCAL script in your StarterGui

while wait() do
if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then
game.Workspace.Camera.CameraType = Enum.CameraType.Custom

this method helped me, after I put the script and the camera immediately started working well. Thank you

If that is the case
change this topic category into Scripting Support