How to fix camera jitter/stutter bug?

Hello Devforum, I have a problem with my game when manipulating the camera. I’m making a side-scrolling game now this problem has been mentioned many times before and allegedly solved by this guy;

However, I am still super confused about the implementation of his solution I’m hoping someone with better knowledge of this problem could explain some of this to me.

Here is my problem;

It’s very subtle but if you can tell but the character looks like he stutters or jitters back and forth or but this is actually the camera failing to keep up with the player character.

Here is my script;

local offset =, 3, -15);
local spring =,, humanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position + offset);

spring.angularFrequency = 6.9 * .69;
spring.dampingRatio = .69;

local function Camera_Update(deltaTime) = humanoidRootPart.CFrame.Position + offset;
	camera.CFrame = * CFrame.Angles(0, math.rad(180), 0);
runService:BindToRenderStep("CameraUpdate", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value + 1, Camera_Update);

Here is my spring credits to EgoMoose and;


local EPSILON = 0.0001;

local exp = math.exp;
local cos = math.cos;
local sin = math.sin;
local sqrt = math.sqrt;

local spring = {};
local spring_mt = {__index = spring};

function, v0, target, angularFrequency, dampingRatio)
	local self = {};
	self.p = p0;
	self.v = v0; = target;
	self.angularFrequency = angularFrequency or 10;
	self.dampingRatio = dampingRatio or 1;
	return setmetatable(self, spring_mt);

function spring:update(dt)
	local aF = self.angularFrequency;
	local dR =  self.dampingRatio;
	if (aF < EPSILON) then return; end;
	if (dR < 0) then dR = 0; end;
	local epos =;
	local dpos = self.p - epos;
	local dvel = self.v;
	if (dR > 1 + EPSILON) then
		local za = -aF * dR;
		local zb = aF * sqrt(dR*dR - 1);
		local z1 = za - zb;
		local z2 = za + zb;
		local expTerm1 = exp(z1 * dt);
		local expTerm2 = exp(z2 * dt);
		local c1 = (dvel - dpos*z2)/(-2*zb);
		local c2 = dpos - c1;
		self.p = epos + c1*expTerm1 + c2*expTerm2;
		self.v = c1*z1*expTerm1 + c2*z2*expTerm2;
	elseif (dR > 1 - EPSILON) then
		local expTerm = exp(-aF * dt);
		local c1 = dvel + aF*dpos;
		local c2 = dpos;
		local c3 = (c1*dt + c2)*expTerm;
		self.p = epos + c3;
		self.v = (c1*expTerm) - (c3*aF);
		local omegaZeta = aF*dR;
		local alpha = aF*sqrt(1 - dR*dR);
		local expTerm = exp(-omegaZeta*dt);
		local cosTerm = cos(alpha*dt);
		local sinTerm = sin(alpha*dt);
		local c1 = dpos;
		local c2 = (dvel + omegaZeta*dpos) / alpha;
		self.p = epos + expTerm*(c1*cosTerm + c2*sinTerm);
		self.v = -expTerm*((c1*omegaZeta - c2*alpha)*cosTerm + (c1*alpha + c2*omegaZeta)*sinTerm);

return spring;
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