So, I’m making a bot, and I’ve noticed that he is lagging behind me when he is faster than me. So, I decided to check the server side and what would you know he was right behind (like it should be).
vid: (when it starts spamming output he is touching me)
This is just a delay issue that looks like its being contributed to by the animation script which is being handled by the server.
Are you handling the visuals with the server? If so I recommend switching ALL visuals to the client because the server has no need to process them and its a heavy load!
Hopefully this helps!
(also there is a thing called network ownership that I am not personally super well versed in, but it does give an opening for exploiters since it gives the client ownership over that instance, but it will make the bot seamless).
I agree with your words, but again, if you let the player control the NPC, and the game will be for one person, then yes, a good option!
But if this game is for several people, then it is a little more difficult, also when controlling the NPC of a certain player, there will be lags for others, since the dependence will be on the player’s network.