How to fix error code 773?

Hello i have party gui in my game but when player tries teleporting to a game it shows:
Screenshot 2023-08-01 090735
Would be really nice if anybody could help.


Are you perhaps testing this on Studio instead of the Roblox Client?

If the above doesn’t help, make sure that the subplaces are published and public.

Im testing in roblox, both places are published and public still doesn’t work.

Try to edit your subplace and click on File > Publish to Roblox As…, and select your game where the subplace is supposed to be. Overwrite the subplace and see if it works.

Still doesn’t work i belive its a problem in my pc not in game. Many people can’t play game while other can so ill try fixing my pc.

Did you check the F9 console for its error message? It may point to the cause of this.

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It says your not allowed to play this game (unauthorized)

Can you help me with it? @Deb0rahAliWilliams

Hi, sorry for the late replies. You might want to utilise TeleportInitFailed to handle this error. Here are some examples which you can review:

Sorry for late reply but its an party gui, so couple people can join it will it work for multiple people? if yes then where to find it?

If you follow the code sample in the Roblox’s Doc, I think it should be the case. Let me know if you face an issue.