How to fix error HTTP 500

So I have this npc that shows my friends avatar but it actually updates it every 1 second so if he changed his avatar it would automatically change it. But sometimse when I play the game just sometimes an error pops up saying HTTP 500 Internal Error and it directs me to the script! I then told him to change something on his avatar but it never changed. Then I played the game again and told him to change his avatar again and then it updated. Does anyone know how to fix?

A HTTP 500 error means that something internally on Roblox’s side likely broke while you were making requests. I don’t recommend sending requests every second as that’s likely the problem

Check if your friends’ avatar was changed, using the Changed event, and if it was, then update it, instead of updating it every second. That can be a problem, which can cause lag, and errors, and even in some cases, the whole game crashing.