How to fix Error HTTP 503 (not loading roblox places) roblox studio

For some reason I can go to studio it shows places. I click on one and it takes forever to load. After waiting ages it still doesn’t load. I tried to see if updating any plugins would work and it had the same error number under trying to update it. I went to game that would load instantly (its just a baseplate) and it went in the game then kicked me out saying the same error number. 503. I even tried restarting my computer and closing and re-opening studio. I really am getting worried that something has corrupted my studio. For years doing roblox studio I haven’t seen this issue once. Like to see if anyone could fix this. Thanks for reading.


Update: Looks like roblox has figured about this issue and is actively working on it (or its another issue and I am alone ._.)

Check this link. Roblox is down:


When I got the issue that thing wasnt up. Guess I am a pioneer lol.

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