I can’t explain, just look at the screenshot
I have already set OffSet to 0, tried using the plugin and watched videos on YouTube, but nothing helped me. Does anyone have any ideas?
I can’t explain, just look at the screenshot
In that case, that’s the scaling that’s affecting how your frame is shaped. Try using offset for the sizing and scaling for the position, it should fix it.
Change the UI corner to scale, like 0.12 anything that fits. I’m not sure if that would work
I’m don’t have UICorner. I’m using Plugin Roundify
Now, on the contrary, everything gets bigger when you decrease the frame
Do you happen to have the AutoScale plugin installed? If so, select the frames and click “Add Constraint”, this should hopefully solve your issue.
Do keep in mind to add the constraints only when they’re in the exact form that you wanted!
Okay i’m try to do this.
⁝ Solutions
] - Use AutoScale Plugin for automated UI Constraints
[] - Add UIAspectRatioConstraint with these settings:
Sorry for the late response but there are 2 things I recommend:
Getting the autoscaler plugin.
Using a cornerUI instead of a plugin to round off edges.
that’s your issue, ‘Scale’ scales with the screen so itll look weird if you don’t do it right
i recommend converting it to offset by using autoscale and also add a ui aspect ratio constraint