How to fix half transparent items in ROBLOX

Ever wonder when you get done with a model on blender and is ready to import it to ROBLOX. You click upload and find you get something like this. A transparent mess. Your worried that you have to start over I messed up. Its not a big issue.

Go to explorer tab and right click the mesh inside the group.

Go to properties tab and find Double Sided

Click the check mark and it will fix your issue.

It can also fix super thin objects. Hope this solves your problem.

I did see 1 similar posts about people needing help but I am just giving a step by step tutorial so someone does not have to dig deep or find solutions in the comments and because no one made a tutorial yet. – Minty


Thanks for putting in the effort teaching some of us. But however, i don’t recommend doing “DoubleSided”, it could mess up with lightings, double polygons,… etc to your meshes. What i do recommend doing going inside blender and tick on this box

Blue means everything is great, no faces are negative
Red means the face were inverted
Going to edit mode and click Mesh > Normal

And picking one of Flip, Recalculate Outside and Recalculate Inside which will result in blender fixing up inverted faces.


someone would say “this doesn’t work in roblox studio” but they need to know that roblox have an official method of updating blender models to roblox using packages


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