How to fix incorrect leaf texture mapping?

Hello everyone, I recently encountered a problem that I cannot correctly apply the leaf texture in surface appearance, but in Blender the texture is applied correctly. I tried changing the UV mapping but it didn’t help. If you have an answer then help me fix it. I can provide a model file if needed.

as you can see, the texture in some places did not overlap and in others it stretched.

It is actually quite hard to tell… Have you tried checking double sided on the mesh?

Yes, of course I made it double sided, that’s not the problem.

Ok, I think I had a similar problem once. It had to do with the actual UV’s of the mesh. What happens if you put a another image in the surface appearance? Does everything line up the way it should?

(apologies for the late reply)

I’ll check and give you the answer

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no matter what pictures you put, they stretch

Ok then it seems to be and issue with your UV map. what does it look like? (sorry for the late reply)

something like this

Ok, is it lined up with your leaf texture?

It looks like a part of it is going outside of the texture bounds so that’s probably what’s causing the visual clipping.