How to fix lag with WorldModels

So I have ViewportFrames with WorldModels which contains problem is that when I create those ViewportFrames the client’s FPS drops a lot when the ViewportFrames aren’t visible, however as soon as they become visible the FPS goes back to normal:

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Make sure to disable the ScreenGUI when you close out. I believe that should help.

The ScreenGUI is closed, that’s the problem when it’s closed the FPS goes down a lot, but as soon as they get rendered/the player sees the WorldModel the FPS is fine

1- go to workspace
2- go to the properties of the workspace
3- Turn off streamingEnable, i believe that should help

Nope :sob: . When I loaded in my FPS was at 22 :skull:

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on the same problem someone pls answer

Why not just create them every time you open the Screengui and destroy them when you close out.