How to fix lagging Studio Camera?

So there’s this problem where right clicking to move my camera around in studio doesn’t work properly when I’m near MeshParts/Models that have too many triangles/data in them.

When moving my camera, the FPS would slow down to like 25-45. On occasions the camera would zoom from one end of game to the other. Often, right clicking doesn’t register. And when I have a model selected over and I try to right click to move my camera around, I instead hit the Cut button deleting the model in the process.

Is there anyway I can minimize it? I can’t exactly remove the models because I need it for my scripts to work properly. And I also need it to get a good visualize of the map I’m making.

Setting the graphics from the actual ingame doesn’t seem to help.


This isn’t a problem from studio, it’s possible your computer is out of date. You could try clearing some things, or find out what’s taking energy in task manager. Might just be a old computer bug. Not sure if this happens for everyone.

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Efectively, this darn bug also happens to me, but unfortunately it’s always 28 FPS and below.

The best recommendation I have is to close the other applications open and yeah, just develop.

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Send your PC stats please might be ur pc gave up

A PC can give up? whoa that’s new :open_mouth:

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When a PC’s ram overclogs or a CPU overheats, the computer’s performance drops so as to avoid your RAM to break or your CPU to to overheat and get ruined. Is it possible you can send your PC specs over so we can inspect?

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The 3 main components for my computers performance would be a Ryzen 3 2200g, a Corsair brand 16GB(not sure if brand matters here) RAM, and a Rx 570. It could be my CPU that’s having a bit of trouble.

This happens to me pretty frequently starting around a week ago maybe? All I do is shut down roblox studio with task manager and then boot it back up. Once you’re back in your game it should run smoothly again.