So I’ve been working on a horror game for a while, and I ran into an issue while testing, and it has to do with the lighting. The game looks fine if the graphics in settings is 5+, but if its below 5, you can’t see anything.
I want the game to look good at 5+ graphics, and look decent & still be able to see lower than 5. I also do not want to force the player to use 5+ graphics.
This is the game at 5 graphics:
and this is the game at 1 graphics:
I’ve tried adjusting the lighting and the Spotlights used in the parts, but it doesn’t do anything, or makes it good for less than 5 graphics, but way too bright for 5+ graphics.
I think it has to do something with the way that I made/built the lighting, but I have no clue on how to fix it. Tried looking for some tutorials and stuff, but I couldn’t find anything.
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honestly, I think its just how you built your game, same thing happened to me a while back. And I feel like the only fix would be rebuilding it from the ground up, I could be wrong though.
or, if you haven’t yet, try editing these general lighting properties, other than just the part properties:
1: Ambient Lighting: Increase the ambient lighting in your game. This can help brighten the overall scene, making it easier to see in lower graphics settings
game.Lighting.Ambient =, 1, 1) -- Set to a bright color
2: Adjust Shadows: If you have shadows enabled, consider reducing their intensity or disabling them altogether. Shadows can contribute to a darker appearance.
game.Lighting.GlobalShadows = false -- Disable global shadows
3: Lighting Environment: Experiment with the lighting environment settings. You can adjust properties like OutdoorAmbient
to control the ambient lighting for outdoor scenes.
game.Lighting.OutdoorAmbient =, 1, 1) -- Adjust outdoor ambient lighting
hope this helps
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