How to fix LinearVelocity accuracy?

Hello! So, I’m trying to make a launch pad to launch a player in a semi-ellipse shape by using a mover constraint (right now I’m using the linear velocity) to move the player at certain key points on the ellipse. At a low speed, the velocity works fine:

However, as I increase the speed to something more reasonable for what I’m trying to accomplish, my character spins in circles:

For each point, I am constantly re-adjusting the direction like this:

repeat wait() velocity.VectorVelocity = speed*(keypoint - rootPart.Position).Unit; until (rootPart.Position - keypoint).Magnitude <= 5

(Keypoint is self-explanatory, rootPart is the player’s HumanoidRootPart, and velocity is the LinearVelocity).

TL;DR, I need a high-speed velocity that is accurate and does not accelerate speed.

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Okay after six days I have finally found out it was just a server-client issue, and was able to easily fix it by just changing it to a localscript. Just leaving this here for anyone else who comes across this problem. Facepalm moment. :pensive:

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