How to fix my gui?

Why does my go from the middle to the out inside instead from left to right? Also the size is 1,0,1,0
Please help. and have a great day.

Could you explain better? I dont understand what you mean.

Do you see the orange part is in the middle? I want to move it left to right.

You can use Tween Service and tween the orange thing back and forth.

Here is my script,

local Player = game.Players.LocalPlayer

local Leaderstats = Player:WaitForChild("leaderstats")

local Exp = Leaderstats:WaitForChild("Exp")

local BackgroundIndicator = script.Parent.Parent.BackgroundIndicatorFrame

local Indicator = script.Parent.IndicatorFrame





The orange part in the middle seems to have it’s AnchorPoint property set to β€œ0.5,0.5”. Try setting it to β€œ0,0.5”. That will make it anchor to the left side, then when you change it’s scale, it will grow towards the right.

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