How to fix part falling when using bodyvelocity (unanchored)

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How to fix part falling when using bodyvelocity (unanchored)

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Part keeps falling when unachored and using bodyvelocity

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

Anchor (but it didnt move using bodyvelocity)

Did you try the other types of BodyMover | Roblox Creator Documentation s?

Yes, bodyvelocity. Also why doesnt my character stay on the part

Can’t you just set the MaxForce property to like 20k for each axis?

Ops, replyed to wrong thread, i made it math.huge

Don’t make it math.huge, that’ll result in the part just floating and staying up

Set it to a average value like 20k on each axis

Ok, can you check this How to make player not fall when part is tweening

If you’re Tweening the Part then are you trying to CFrame it?
When using the other types of BodyMovers, like BodyPosition to keep it at a certain height, or BodyForce, to provide a force straight up, you don’t need to worry about keeping the player on it because friction will take care of it.
Use BodyVelocity to move the Part, but the others BodyMovers can keep it at a certain height no matter if a player (or players) is on it.

BodyPosition keeps the player without making it fall? And does it also make the part spin?

Did you read the descriptions?
You can use a BodyPosition | Roblox Creator Documentation
to hold the Part at one height if you only make the Force applicable on the vertical axis.
To to keep the Part horizontal you can use a BodyGyro | Roblox Creator Documentation