How to make player not fall when part is tweening

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How to make player not fall when part is tweening

  1. What is the issue? Include screenshots / videos if possible!

Player falls

  1. What solutions have you tried so far? Did you look for solutions on the Developer Hub?

BodyMovers, don’t work

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You switched to Tweening…?

I’d just recommend switching back to using Velocity objects

Ik, but when I use bodymovers the part goes crazy and flips

Tweening is used to interpolate Instance properties

It’d probably be a way more complicated structure to do so, especially if you’re wanting to not make the player fall…?

I still don’t follow what you mean by “player falling”, like are you wanting the player to float around in the air?

just tell me how to do it with bodymovers and not make the part go crazy but make the player stand on the part

You could just literally set the MaxForce property to a high number, I don’t exactly follow on what you’re getting at?

But I also need to make the part not go crazy and the player to stand, I am pretty sure I tried doing the MaxForce thing before and it only made it not fall which is a good thing but I also want the player to be a able to stand on the part and the part to not go crazy

What do you mean by that though? The part should stay completely still on its own, unless if you have any other Velocity objects that could be intercepting the part

Will the player ride on it without falling?

I’m not sure how you’re managing to do it, but yes

You could literally just set the MaxForce to math.huge and it should stay completely still, with the player being able to stand on it

  • Make sure Anchored is off

  • Make sure CanCollide is on

I tested it, it’s fliping around, and the player isn’t on it.

I was playing around with Roblox in the past and decided to make an elevator.
I used tweening but the player constantly fell off.
I solved this immaturely by welding the player’s feet to the part while tweening.
And with the use of “tween dot Completed” I destroyed the welds when u reach ur destination.
Although, U may be right I’m giving an opinion.

I know, but I want the player to jump whenever they want to

This could be done with raycasting – I’ll reference a post I made when responding to a similar question since there’s a lot of different elements that work together in order to achieve the intended effect.

I have tested it, when a player touches it, it also goes crazy