I want to use skinned rigs as characters for my game. However, the shoulder keeps wrapping in a weird way.
It wraps around itself, like a candy wrapper. How can I stop this from happening? Any info/suggestions are very helpful!
I want to use skinned rigs as characters for my game. However, the shoulder keeps wrapping in a weird way.
This is an issue with the weight painting of the object. Unless you plan on importing the mesh into blender and fixing it yourself, there isn’t really a way to fix it.
The good news is that if you put clothing over the armpit, the clothing shouldn’t deform like this. Maybe you can cover it?
I eventually plan on using custom-made rigs. What’s the best weight painting for custom rigs?
I don’t think there’s a best weight painting, as all weight painting does the same thing. As long as all the limbs deform the way you want, then It’s good weight painting.
Also, if you may note, the default Roblox avatar doesn’t have the candy wrapping issues because it is made of separate parts, it is not skinned like the meshes above. Ifs not a perfect solution to your problem, as now you will have caps where the smooth deformation was, but it does get rid of it.
Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll use the above methods along with layered clothing to hide the shoulder.
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