How to fix roblox auto changing my decal name

So recently when uploading decals I get to pick the name I want it to be in bulk import and stuff, but once it appears in my inventory, before the name I picked it adds a image/“decal name then goes here” Here is a example
How do I prevent this?

Uploading an image into your game via Studio always does this. Only way to give your images a different name before uploading is to upload it directly through the Create - Roblox website.

However, I believe you can configure the asset and change the name on the website after uploading.
EDIT: Yes, you can.

I need to be able to bulk import which is only availible from roblox studio. I have seen people do it before, I don’t know how they did it tho.

@Mirzadaswag I found a way to fix this. This google extension works: ROBLOX Upload Enhancer - Chrome Web Store

Just going to put it out there, the plugin is safe. I downloaded it and checked the code, and it doesn’t send your cookie to anything off site. It is completely verified safe.