I’ve made a dialogue system but I am across a problem with text scaling
as you see when the text gets long, it starts to scale smaller
how would I fix this? I want the text to keep the same size
I’ve made a dialogue system but I am across a problem with text scaling
as you see when the text gets long, it starts to scale smaller
how would I fix this? I want the text to keep the same size
disable TextLabel.TextScaled
oh that kind of fixed it but now the text is clipping out of the frame
I think you’d need to disable the property ClipsDescendants
for the full text to be rendered,
otherwise, I’d suggest making the average textlabel/frame big enough that the text will not shrink in size while centered but will fill out the whole textlabel instead
use \n
local function TweenText(Object : TextButton | TextLabel | TextBox, Text : string, Time : number)
if not Object:IsA("TextButton") and not Object:IsA("TextBox") and not Object:IsA("TextLabel") then
return "no"
local StartTime = tick()
local TimeBetween = Time / (string.len(Text))
Object.Text = ""
local Amount = 0
for i=1, string.len(Text) do
if Amount > 30 and string.sub(Text, i, i) == " " then
Object.Text = Object.Text .. "\n"
Amount = 0
Amount += 1
Object.Text = Object.Text .. string.sub(Text, i, i)
if i ~= 1 then
return tick() - StartTime
I did that but it aint working, the text is now smashing together depending on how close the camera is
what does that do? (30chararterss)
It linesplits the text so that you have a new row of text if the amount of letters exceeds 20, and the text is tweened as well
oh ok ill try it (30 dhacharacters)
uhh its being wierd now
heres my code where Im calling the function
local textString = chat.Text[self.CurrentChoice]
for i = 1, #textString do
local textLabel = self.DialogueGui.TextLabel
textLabel.Text = string.sub(textString, 1, i)
TweenText(textLabel, textString, 0)
dont tween the text inside your own text tween
local textString = chat.Text[self.CurrentChoice]
TweenText(textLabel, textString, 1)
ohhh LOL (30 chawdawdrgsstersss)
okay it kind of works, it strinked the text and made 3 lines in total
is it because maybe my textlabel is too small? does it have to be a certain size cause rn the size is {1, 0},{0.2, 0}
I’ve edited my post because I found the mistake, I didn’t set the Amount
to 0, try it again
oh okay nice, so the text is still strinking
Edit: I see that your checking if the amount is higher then 30, so if lowering that, would it fix the issue? but could it some how be changed depending on the text label size, if that made sense
yes, you could change 30
to a lower number
oh well changing it to a lower number makes it all crumble together, and the reason why it was strinking is cause I didnt have the textlabel full size
but now I need to make it smooth cause this is how its moving
Edit: now that i think about it i should try making the textlabel bigger on the x
Okay I have it working now, I just need to make adjustments to the gui and that’s all, thanks for your help and for taking the time to write code to help me