How to fix the bug that does not work when you try set number in position

When you set number in position for the part, sometime it will not work. For example: Your part position is 22, 6, 98, you want try to set number to 0, 0, 0, when you type and enter, it did not work and it will return as 22, 6, 98.

To fix this:

  1. Delete all Weld children in your part
  2. That it, just set number again and it should worked.

Hope this will helped you. This is my first post and my English isn’t good, so please forgive me if anything have an error. Reply me if you need help.

you’re not in the right category.

Sorry, this is my first post, I don’t know which one is the right one. (Nvm, this is right category, because that guy misread before comment)

You can change the category by editing the title it should be #help-and-feedback:scripting-support [nvm, misread]

I know, just ask which one is the right one.

Imao, ok. I guess both of you don’t read before comment xd

I read the title and misread it lol

I don’t think #resources:community-tutorials is the right one, because it mention that short tutorial is not allowed.

Yes, because short tutorials aren’t supposed to be a thing - try increasing the length of it.

Nah, it fine. I got no word to say.

Yeah, thats correct Keep it up, I support you!

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