How to fix these ugly 'Shadows'...?


I’m working on something, and now this ugly masterpiece showed up…
How can i fix that the lighting on the wall does not act up like it does now? I’ve tried multiple Lighting settings, tried it as a union and a normal part, none of it works.

Help? Currently on ‘Shadowmap’. Only using ‘Compatible’ mode fixes it, but that’s ugly. Help?

You can try making the wall or ceiling thicker. Or placing a large part above the build.

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You can turn GlobalShadows off or turn off CastShadow for all of the parts creating that shadow.

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you can mess around with the lighting then the shadow softness and such

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Change the lighting settings, try using shadow map, and turn on global shadows. Also double check if there are parts with gaps or disabled castshadows.

If it doesn’t work, try using other lighting map, just change some properties in lighting until it’s gone.

You can add the lighting around the wall, and make them transparent.

Or just test any shadow maps. Test it.

Mess around with the shadow settings. Or just set your graphics higher. that will fix most of it.

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Voxel shadows are not accurate, you can’t fix that