How to fix this chat bubble issue?

Hey guys! So i’ve ran into an issue where if an NPC has a chat bubble, it dissapears/becomes unreadable if its in front of a transparent part.
Does anyone know how to fix this?

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Does it have AlwaysOnTop sat to true?

Can you please show us the properties tab for the main part that seems to be having issues?

The water is made from 4 different parts, each having different transparency, I’ll send the properties of one of the parts

Do you mean the chat bubble or the part itself?

I don’t specialise in this area, however, I do see that some parts are overcomplicated in property terms. Was this the chat bubble? I am talking about the chat bubble function properties.

This is the bubble chat configuration properties, or do you want me to send the properties of another part?

I’m sorry I though the bubble chat was a static billboardgui you could easily modify. After doing some research it seems like an intentional feature which in that case looks bad. From my understanding you can’t access any form of instance of the chat bubble, however you could try modifying some properties on the specific bubble with Bubble Chat | Documentation - Roblox Creator Hub either the basic one or the advanced mode, I atleast don’t see another way around it unless you wanna try making your own bubble which sounds like a fix for the worst case scenario.

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