How to fix this GUI button?

So basically I have this camera manipulation script where when you click the button to show it checks if the main frame is invisible, if it is then it makes it visible, and the close button does the opposite, but both those buttons don’t work for some reason, they do nothing & show nothing in output (the other buttons for camera manipulation work fine though)

This is the GUI:

MainFrame Button Script (has the ‘Close’ button):

local gui = game.StarterGui.Cameras
local frame = gui.ShowButton
local button = script.Parent


	if gui.MainFrame.Visible == true then
		gui.MainFrame.Visible = false
		frame.Visible = true


ShowButton Script:

local gui = game.StarterGui.Cameras
local frame = gui.ShowButton
local button = script.Parent

	if gui.MainFrame.Visible == false then
		gui.MainFrame.Visible = true
		frame.Visible = false

You’re using StarterGui when you need to be using PlayerGui. I’m assuming this is a client sided script, so you just need to do something like game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerGui.Cameras.

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Seems to be working, tysm <3!!!

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