How to fix this weird arrows appearing?

I was going to edit my game but i noticed 3 weird arrows at the middle of my baseplate, but i after some time, i realized is the same arrow from the the move tool, i dont know how to remove those arrow (even tho it didnt distract on building anything), do you how to remove it?

if you know let me know!


I don’t fully understand what you’re talking about. Could you send an image of these “weird arrows”?

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He’s talking about the arrows in the center of the workspace (not a visible object in the explorer) that point to positive x, y, and z, not sure what it’s called.

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I know. But I need a better understanding of what they’re talking about.

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@DarkMenacing Go to view tab, press the show grid button once

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tell me did this happen cuz you were animating with moon animator?

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oh wait, it was the grid button the whole time, thanks for the solution @MintSoapBar! i hope roblox fix this issue.

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It’s not really an issue, and can be quite helpful at times. It should just be made more obvious what the grid button would enable or perhaps have a separate toggle for it

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