How to fix this?

Hi, i’m making a script where player (i used part to showcase) stands on moving part moved by CFrame like ship or train ect.

Script works when the platforms move linear, but if it rotates a bit, script breaks

here is a example:


local RunService = game:GetService("RunService")
local A = script.Parent

local LastCFrame = nil

	local result = workspace:Raycast(A.Position,,-50,0))
	if result then
		local Hit:Part = result.Instance
		if Hit and Hit.Name == "Moveing" then
			if not LastCFrame then
				LastCFrame = Hit.CFrame
			local CurrentCFrame = Hit.CFrame
			if CurrentCFrame ~= LastCFrame then
				local Step:CFrame = CurrentCFrame*LastCFrame:inverse()
				A.CFrame = A.CFrame * Step
				LastCFrame = CurrentCFrame

Ok i found the A.CFrame * Step was wrong, it should be Step * A.CFrame because then Step is a difference between new and old cframe of platform, then it adds to A.CFrame, and A being moved

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