How to fix this?


Hello, I need assistance fixing an issue while rendering. When I go to my editing software(, something messes up in it. It turns the outer layer of the PNG black.

Here you go!

Hi. Are you trying to make it transparent?

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Yes, it just turns black. I use blender if you did not know.

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If you use, try using the erase tools around the black area.

I did, but I don’t want it to like delete half the render. I also tried the selection tool.

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Hm, how did you download it from blender?

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It’s a PNG as i can see.


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If you want the background to be transparent , you can change the output type to RGBA and in the Scene tab under Layer, untick Sky. In the render settings go under Shading and set alpha to transparent . Then under output click RGBA.

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Alright! Let me check it. I’ll respond in about 10-15 minutes.

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Could you by any chance take a picture? It’s okay if not.

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Try this.

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I do not have that blender. e.e


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Oh, then I don’t know how to help you. Sorry,

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I think it’s the same, let me find it.

Okay, I turned it on. Let’s see.

Alright, export it as a .PNG. Then it should work.

Okay, have a good day/night! I hope to see you succeed if you have not already.

Do you or do you not have blender?

Did it work? 30 charsssssssssss

I use blender. I forgot which version though. But, I do not have it downloaded from Windows. I downloaded it from the internet.