idk which category to put this in but how do i fix this uigridlayout to not overlap eachother?
Do you have multiple UIgridlayouts or only one? Also can we see the properties for the Uigridlayout.
Perhaps increase the amount of CellPadding?
by how much??
By how much you need to fix the overlapping
i tried changing it but it did nothing
Is this in a scrolling frame? Perhaps you need to increase the canvas size
yes its a scrolling frame
Try changing the canvas Size and see if that works, it could be that the X offset of the canvas is too small for the UIs
Then you have to change the UIGridLayout CellPadding
now it won’t drop to the ground
You have to change the y-axis of the canvassize from what I see then, or it could be something else
what is there to change?
Try to change the 0.827 of Y to something lower, else it could be something else. By any chance did you make the frames in the ScrollingFrame sized with offset or scale?
This is all thats in the scrolling frame
Are they using Offset or Scale for their size and position? Typically you need to use Offset for size, not sure for position