How to fix visible edges in a transparent union?

Hey. I’m a little new to building & CSG so bare with me, but I’ve become stuck on the following:

I created a fairly simple lightbar for my police car. The blue casing, as shown, is comprised of 6 parts, one normal part, 3 wedges, and 2 corner wedges, and unioned together. The casing is supposed to be transparent, but for some reason, even though it’s unioned, the edges are showing on the individual parts in the union, making it look really bad. Is there any way to get around this?

Note: I’ve tried exporting to .obj and then re-importing as a MeshPart to see if that would work, but it didn’t do anything. I’m guessing what I have to do is find some way to lose that unnecessary data and make it all one cohesive part? I’m not sure


The only fix I can come up with for this is to make the material of the union glass. I would try recreating the part in blender. Terribly sorry I couldn’t help that much!


That does work, but preferably I would like to find a way to do this while using a different material :confused:

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Hi there! That’s a really annoying problem. My suggestion would be to make the light from 1 part rather than union-ing 6 parts together. I would do this by using the “negate” function instead. You can do this by using one normal part and then negating 3 additional angled parts to create the same shape you have there. Hope this helped :slight_smile:


You can try using CSGv1 to union. Press Alt+S, then go to Physics and scroll down and check Disable CSGv2.

CSGv2 tries to fix floating point errors which results in this, while CSGv1 doesn’t do this and although errors occur a lot more you’ll get one smooth part. CSGv1 also supports normal maps while CSGv2 doesn’t.


Here is a solution I have used in the past. Just guarantee that the parts overlap. You can double the size of the wedges and it will always result in the same angle at the same position. You just have to clean up the excess.

Double the size of any wedges

Negate the excess

Union everything
