how can i format a number like this
and so forth
how can i format a number like this
and so forth
First thing would be to pad the number (add zeroes) which you can do by doing something like:
local function padNumber(padAmount, number) -- in our case padAmount would be 9
return string.format(`%.{padAmount}d`, number) -- result of the format string would be '%.9d'
local paddedNumber = padNumber(9, 1000) --> 000001000
Next would be to format the number, adding the commas (obtained from here),
local function numWithCommas(n)
return n:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)","%1,"):gsub(",(%-?)$","%1"):reverse()
paddedNumber = numWithCommas(paddedNumber) --> should now be 000,001,000
So the final script would be something like:
local function formatPaddedNumber(padAmount, number)
return string.format(`%.{padAmount}d`, number):reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)","%1,"):gsub(",(%-?)$","%1"):reverse()
print(formatPaddedNumber(9, 1000)) --> 000,001,000
Thank you so much! It works well
just a reminder your ui looks amazing
what i dont get is why you want a system like this. it doesnt look clean
how else should i do it? . . . . .
as a normal person would bro just show the number by itself
I agree with you, it also implies that you have a coin limit of 999,999,999 (or at least by the looks of the gui) But everyone has their own opinions.
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