Hey! I was wondering if there’s a way to make the rig’s parts freeze, but the animation keeps playing and the freezing does not affect the animation, if not just the rig.
Basically the effect you would get by deleting the Animator inside a player’s humanoid, which freezes the player as if anchored, but the player can still move and do whatever else. My first idea was that, deleting the Animator, but it keeps printing errors so it does not seem like the greatest idea.
Maybe you could use AdjustSpeed(0) to pause the animation when you need it to and then set the TimePosition based on how much time has passed when you want it to resume?
Sorry if I misunderstood what you wanted to do.
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No clue how i didn’t think of this before, this seems like the right method.
The looping even loops correctly when you skip it past the animation length, so i didn’t have to do all that much advanced scripting.
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