How to get a CFrame's interpolation value around a fixed point (circular path)

I’m trying to figure out how to get the interpolation value from Point A to Point B with a defined alpha while also following a circular path created from a pivot point.
I can only think of a hacky way, I am curious if anyone has a proper solution.

I currently have my code (example below) lerping the CFrame every RenderStep, creating the actual path if Point B were to move fast enough, but I need a solution to follow the expected path.

    a.CFrame = a.CFrame:Lerp(b.CFrame, 0.1)

lerp goal
This is what it looks like when applied.

Here’s an example of what I’m trying to achieve:

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You could do something like this:

local radius = 10
local speed = 10
local angleToInterpolateTo = 90

while true do
	local dt = game:GetService("RunService").Heartbeat:Wait() -- Or Renderstep
	local _, Y, _ = workspace.RotationPart.CFrame:ToOrientation()

	if Y < math.rad(angleToInterpolateTo) then
		workspace.RotationPart.CFrame = workspace.Pivot.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(0, (math.rad(speed * dt) + Y) , 0)
		workspace.RotationPart.Position = workspace.Pivot.CFrame:PointToWorldSpace(workspace.RotationPart.CFrame.LookVector * radius)

radius Is how much you want it to be away from the pivot. speed Is the interpolation speed, and angleToInterpolateTo is the angle that you want to interpolate to.

EDIT: Also, I’m sure there is a better way to do this, but I’m not that good with CFrame and angle math so I tried my best lol.

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Sorry, it’s not what I was looking for.
I’m essentially trying to achieve lerping but with a circular path, essentially getting a position with a defined alpha to achieve the effect in the diagram

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All you need is the vectors. You don’t need CFrame or 3D for this.

local rs: (RunService) = game:GetService("RunService")

local origin_v3: (Vector3) = workspace.origin.Position
local origin: (Vector2) =, origin_v3.Z)
local startPoint: (Vector2) =, workspace.s.Position.Z) - origin
local endPoint: (Vector2) =, workspace.e.Position.Z) - origin
local angleBetween: (number) = math.acos(startPoint.unit:Dot(endPoint.unit))

* Rotates a Vector2 by theta
local function rotateVector2(v2: (Vector2), theta: (number), alpha: (number)): (Vector2)
		v2.X * math.cos(theta * alpha) - v2.Y * math.sin(theta * alpha),
		v2.X * math.sin(theta * alpha) + v2.Y * math.cos(theta * alpha)

-- Scope variables
local alpha: (number) = 0

while true do
	local rotatingVector: (Vector2) = rotateVector2(startPoint, -angleBetween, alpha)
	workspace.s.Position = workspace.origin.Position +, 0, rotatingVector.Y)
	alpha += 0.01
	if (alpha >= 1) then

You can further this using an alpha by supplying the rotateVector2 function with a third argument that is a percentage.

Edit Simplified to use an alpha

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Does my code not do what you asked for?

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I appreciate the help, but I’m working with a 3D space.
I essentially want the CFrame value between 2 points in a circular path. Title is a bit misleading, I’ll fix it shortly after this reply goes up.

Just imagine getting the value between 0-1 with an alpha of 0.5 but repeat it a couple of times,

function lerp(a, b, alpha)
    return a + (b - a) * alpha

local c
for i = 1, 100 do
    c = lerp(0, 1, 0.5)

-- 0.5, 0.75, 0.875, 0.9375, 0.96875, etc.

It is essentially the same logic I use for my camera lerping but it doesn’t follow a circular path which I need.

That doesn’t make any sense. You can’t rotate circularly in a 3D space. There is always a plane between them that is represented by vector u

Between the start and end point exists a 2D plane that will be rotated on.

If this is for a camera track, then you should be using Bezier curves to make spherical movements. Here is an example using a camera track creator plugin I made with Beziers.

Can you give us a better explanation of what you are trying to do?

Sorry, I’m sleep deprived lol. I meant I’m working with CFrames in a 3D environment, I don’t mean 3 rotational axes.

And I’ll go take a look at bezier curves!

Yeah it definitely sounds like that is what you’re aiming for. Beziers make it easier to use 3D space to interpolate in arcs. Shown below.

Crazyman32/sleitnick has a Bezier Curve module script I use to create them.
(1) Bezier Module - Roblox

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Hopefully this image can clear things up. I’m essentially trying to grab a lerp(?) value using an alpha from the red point to the blue point, just following the curved path.

Edit: Adding on, I essentially want this:

function lerp(pivot, start, end, alpha)
    return -- ?

Thank you for the help! I will be looking into this :slight_smile:
I’ve also posted an example above of what I want to achieve if that helps

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I’m confused how your example is any different from my above solution. There still exists only a 2D plane between those points and my code can just be rotated to fit that plane.


There is no “3D” rotation going on in spherical interpolating (called slerping)

On which plane a theta exists between the points that can be rotated in 2D.


Which will cause the point to move along the arc of the sphere.


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Yes, which is why I’m looking into your 1st solution right now haha. I don’t mean a 3 axes rotation, I just meant I’m working on a 3D environment and getting the alpha instead of actually moving it. Sorry, brain go boom lol

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Sorry, I guess I should really be posting your final solution.

You can use :lerp() for this, but you have to apply the principle that all circles have a constant radius. Please see the place file attached to test at your convenience (and for anyone else who wants to slerp a position on a 3D plane).

slerp.rbxl (22.5 KB)