How to get a child of

I want to get the childs of game.StarterGui:SetCore() but I cant seem to find anywhere that answers this solution. It would be interesting if theres a solution for this. Thanks in advance.

You can’t get children of :SetCore(), however you can read the documentaion about it. There is everything you need.

Well the reason im asking this is because the documentation doesnt include ALL of the children so im trying to see if theres a way i can see all of them.

:SetCore() is a method, not an instance

I’m quite sure he means the parameterName parameter of starterGui:SetCore().

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The documentation does list every single parameterName you can use with starterGui:SetCore(). How do you know it doesn’t?

Are you looking to disable things like chat? Use starterGui:SetCoreGuiEnabled() instead.

Oh you wanna get every parameter of the method?
It is unfortunately not possible with :SetCore, so my best solution for you is to read the documentation I provided and maybe write all of the parameters in some sort of a _G array.

I know this because there’s parameters like “VREnableControllerModels” that isnt in the documentation.

I believe the two parameters, “VREnableControllerModels” and “VRLaserPointerModels”, are the only two that are not officially documented by Roblox.

Everything else can be found in the documentation.

Lobby for getting those two documented (and other important VR stuff)

I see that roblox has limited resources for VR.

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