How to get a custom DevForum theme


If you’re bored of the themes we have now, or reallly want Vincent back (lol), then this is the tutorial!

In this tutorial, I will show you how to import a theme from

Step 1: Getting the CSS

First step, you have to find a theme that you want. Have a look around Discourse Meta, and if anything catches your eye, go to the topic.
At the bottom the topic, there’s always something that looks like this:
For this example I will be using my theme
Click on the Github Repository link.
Then, go to the folder called “common”, or “desktop”, either one should work.
In either folder, there should be “common.scss” or “desktop.scss”. Don’t use the mobile version!

Click on the file, then “Raw”
It should bring you to an empty page with a bunch of code on it. Select all, then copy it.

Step 2: Converting the SCSS to CSS

Go to an SCSS to CSS converter. I have good results with this one.
Click “Enter text manually”, then paste it.
9/10 you’e going to have an error like “Variable $tertiary not defined”. It’s fine, replace the problem line with a valid HEX code, the DevForum handles this coloring.
Do this until the CSS code pops up on the right.

You now ave the CSS code and are ready for the next step!

Step 3: Installing the theme

Welcome to the final step!
Go the Chrome Web Store, and install this plugin
Once it’s installed, click on it’s favicon.
At the very bottom of the plugin, click “devforum”, this is an important step!
It should now open something that looks like this:

Paste in the CSS code from the converter that we made earlier.
Click “Save”, then refresh the DevForum.

Congrats, you just installed a completely custom theme!

If you have any feedback on this please let me know, hopefully it was helpful.

And also, yes, using this you can actually get deprecated themes back like Vincent if you so wish, it just has many more errors that you have to fix bc it completely changes Discourse.


I love the tutorial but there are other ways too. I personally have a dark blue theme for my DevForum page:

Now the steps are easy and fast.

  1. Go to your default browser and go to the extensions page.
  2. Use a website theme changer, I recommend Stylus (Its a replica of Stylish but without spyware)
  3. Once dowmloaded, check out some vids on YT about how Stylus works.
  4. Go to the DevForum site and choose the theme you want and voila! You have a personalized devforum. (Stylus works also to change the theme of all sites including the roblox website.

Stylish has spyware? Good thing I use Stylus.

Anyway, Thanks for the tutorial.


Yes, thats why it got removed from the chrome web store, now it is back so it should be spyware free now but just in case dont use it cuz yea it was spyware before and 90% chance it still is


It collects your web history, yes