How to get a list of PlaceInstance?

Hi Creators.
I would like to know how to get a list of other instances that are up during the experience.
I have consulted the Dev Forum (Getting a Place’s Server List) and it looks like I can get it with Game Api, but is there any other way to do it?

I would like to implement ServerBrowser in my experience as shown in the following image.
(This is a reference image from Blox Fruits)

You can use MemoryStore and store every server that gets created/removed on server destruction, I have not dabbled a lot in MemoryStore so I can not tell you if it is the best solution.

Thanks for the answer.

You can use MemoryStore

I see, I should certainly consider verifying with MemoryStore.
And I guess the ENGINE API doesn’t support it.

By the way, Game Api is not mentioned in the current official Roblox documentation, is it still supported?
I was wondering if v1 in particular could disappear at any time.