How to get a picture next to your name on a leader board

Hey guys,

O your leader board, can you or can you not get a picture such as admin next to your name. Ket me provide you a picture.

Random game. image

I circled where I would of put it. **image **

I’m not planning this but a question like this came up from a client. I said I couldn’t but I am interested in knowing if you can.

Jack, Builder and Scripter
ROBLOX Developer

Custom Leaderboard Icons? - The answer provided here should be enough, as this question has been asked before.


First off, please use the search bar before asking a question to see if it has been answered.

To answer your question shortly: No, you can not do this with the default leaderboard. However, you CAN do this with a custom one. To get a player’s image icon, I recommend checking this article out.

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