How to get a player's character, including RigType and proportions?

Hello! This is kind of a continuation to my “Automatically updating character model” topic. I need to get a player’s RigType (R15, R6) and proportions (Head, Height, etc.). This is for a roblox website recreation game, and I need the avatar to be perfect, and not just R6.

e.g. Avatar Editor (3D)

Can someone help?

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You can get the proportions from Players:GetHumanoidDescriptionFromUserId(), it returns a HumanoidDescription which has BodyTypeScale, DepthScale, HeadScale, etc. And, you can get a player’s rigtype by accessing humanoid.RigType.

There’s also a humanoid description in the humanoid when the character loads and number values with all the avatar scales.


Oh thanks! I thought it only returned clothes and stuff.


Wait hang on, I don’t see the RigType in the HumanoidDescription, how would I get that again?

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I meant RigType is on the player’s Humanoid under their character.

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I’m trying to apply the description to an R6 character, but I need to check if the player’s RigType is R15 so I can apply it to an R15 rig instead.

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nevermind again, it only goes for the autorized/current user. can’t do it for other users.

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I’m guessing you don’t want to check the RigType from the humanoid because you are delaying the character loading.

Unfortunately, I do not think you can check the RigType of a player without accessing it thru their humanoid.

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Oh I see, that’s fine I will use R6 rigs only until I can find a solution. Thanks for helping!


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