How to get a random item and check if the item has the right condition?

Hello guys, im having a problem, I want to take a random unit in a folder but I want to check if the unit selected has a stringvalue if not then the script will roll until a unit that got the stringvalue, idk if im clear, but I have no idea how to do it. I searched already on the devforum and found this `local

function RefreshBanner(banner)
	if banner == "Normal" then
		local Units = ReplicatedStorage.UnitsBanner[banner]:GetChildren()
		local randomUnit = Units[math.random(3, #Units)]

but it print only one unit so idk, if you guys can help me, i’ll really appreciate it :slight_smile:

function RefreshBanner(banner)
	if banner == "Normal" then
		local Units = ReplicatedStorage.UnitsBanner[banner]:GetChildren()
		local useableUnits = {}
		for _,v in Units do
			if --[[condition here]] then
				table.insert(useableUnits, v)
		local randomUnit = useableUnits[math.random(3, #useableUnits)]

thats working but, it return only one unit and every time the same

why is the first parameter for your math.random statement 3? you’re essentially skipping over the first 2 children in the folder, so if your UnitsBanner folder only has 3 units in it, then that’s why it’s returning the same unit every time. try replacing it with:

local randomUnit = useableUnits[math.random(1, #useableUnits)]

oh, ok ty now im having another problem, I want to remove the unit chosen from the table, but it return an Instance and I need a number

now the function look like this

function RefreshBanner(banner)
	if banner == "Normal" then
		local Units = ReplicatedStorage.UnitsBanner[banner]:GetChildren()
		local useableUnits = {}

		for _, unit in Units do
			if unit:FindFirstChild("Rarity") then
				local UnitRarity = unit:FindFirstChild("Rarity").Value
				if UnitRarity == "Mythic" then
					table.insert(useableUnits, unit)

		local randomUnit1 = useableUnits[math.random(1, #useableUnits)]
		table.remove(useableUnits, randomUnit1)
		local randomUnit2 = useableUnits[math.random(1, #useableUnits)]
		table.remove(useableUnits, randomUnit2)
		local randomUnit3 = useableUnits[math.random(1, #useableUnits)]
		table.remove(useableUnits, randomUnit3)

Would something like this work? it selects random unit until its condition is true

function GetRandomUnit(Units)
  	local randomUnit = Units[math.random(1, #Units)]
  -- Check the condition
  local Condition = false -- If doesn't have the required condition 
  if not condition then
    return GetRandomUnit(Units)
         return RandomUnit

function RefreshBanner(banner)
	if banner == "Normal" then
		local Units = ReplicatedStorage.UnitsBanner[banner]:GetChildren()
	  local RandomUnit = GetRandomUnit(Units)
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I found another way, and more optimized ig than ur way, but ig your way is also working, thanks for the help guys :slight_smile:

local randomUnit1 = useableUnits[math.random(1, #useableUnits)]
		local remove1 = table.find(useableUnits, randomUnit1)
		table.remove(useableUnits, remove1)
		local randomUnit2 = useableUnits[math.random(1, #useableUnits)]
		local remove2 = table.find(useableUnits, randomUnit2)
		table.remove(useableUnits, remove2)
		local randomUnit3 = useableUnits[math.random(1, #useableUnits)]
		local remove3 = table.find(useableUnits, randomUnit3)
		table.remove(useableUnits, remove3)

uh i wouldn’t call that optimized but if it works then fine, the one i made loops thru the units until it suits the conditions and doesn’t give the same each time as its completely random

Hey, rather than doing math.random(1, #useableUnits) and then using table.find(useableUnits, randomUnit3)

You can just do

local randomUnitIndex = math.random(1, #useableUnits)
local randomUnit = useableUnits[randomUnitIndex]
table.remove(useableUnits, randomUnitIndex)

You can also use a for loop to make your code shorter

local unitsChosen = {}
for i = 1, 3 do
local randomUnitIndex = math.random(1, #useableUnits)
table.insert(unitsChosen, useableUnits[randomUnitIndex])
table.remove(useableUnits, randomUnitIndex)

Now the first unit is unitsChosen[1] second is unitsChosen[2] and so on

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