How to get a smooth formula for values

I am wanting to return a multiplier, based on 2 values

function MonsterLevels:GetMultiplier(zoneNumber, monsterLevel)
	local Multiplier = zoneNumber * (monsterLevel + 1)
	return Multiplier

monsterLevel goes from level 0 to 3. I need it return numbers similar to these
and so on…

I assume a specific formula is impossible for these exact values, but I want something that returns something similar to the numbers given

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You could look to a parabola equation;


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It’s fairly similar to this pattern.

I think it needs to proceed like this for future zones.
1.15^(level-1) + 1.5*zone

That returns 2.5 for zone 1, level 1 tho :confused:

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Is there a way I can convert that into lua :sweat_smile:

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y = Multi
x = Level
a & b = any number, but because it helps align with the values you’re going for; 0.04
c = Starting y basically, so 1

Your equation would basically look like the following:

Multi = (a * Level^2) + (b * Level) + c
y = 0.04x^2 + 0.04x + 1
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Sorry last bit should be +1.5*(zone-1)

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If you’re willing to make a small compromise and adjust your values to follow a pattern like this (which is similar to yours):
Screenshot (91)
Then that can be represented by a simple linear formula:

function MonsterLevels:GetMultiplier(zoneNumber, monsterLevel)
	local trueZone = zoneNumber + monsterLevel / 4
	local multiplier = trueZone / 2 + 0.5
	return multiplier

(‘trueZone’ is a combination of the zone and level values)

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I need to incorporate the zoneNumber too, not just a level value

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Seeing as you have 2 [+0.15]'s in the chart for Zone 2, I don’t see a plausible formula for such a chart that’s also consistent with the chart seen in Zone 1.
However, you seem to be adding a mode-average of 0.5 to the slots from Zone 1, so perhaps you could use an additional formula for deciding a multiplier/adder to the chart’s “Multi” depending on the Zone. Or just adding a fixed value if that’s what you’re into.