Not really sure how or if that’s possible. Why would you want to have it suggest stuff though? If you’re inputting the argument yourself inside the script then I don’t think that’s necessary.
i mean is just for learning about it, and making the progress for scripting more easily and not having copy and paste the same argument in diference scripts
Well, I never really found that to be an inconvenience. It’s best that it’s your code that you try and optimize so you reduce the redundancy. There might be more efficient ways to do what you’re trying to achieve.
ahh maybe, i mean, i was wondering that bc im re making the hitbox on the project that im doing, basicly im switching the hitbox detection to server side to client side, and making the damages and the other silly things on the server side
player = player ofc dah
dmg = number, how much damage is dealing
debtime = how much time is the knocback on the enemy before is deleted with debris (bodyvelocity)
bodyfire = the knockback direction, like "HumanoidRootPart.CFrame.LookVector * 50
soundid = the sound id for the hit sound
partt = part position for making the hitbox weld, can be like the right arm of the character
cframee = how much CFrame on the C0 on the hitbox part
sizee = size of the hitbox like,,4,4)
strongornah = this is for the hit effect, is if is “normal” or “strong” makes differents particless
ragdoll = this to make if the hit makes you ragdoll or nah
stuntime = how much stun haves
oh and i forgort one more, but is something for make it comboeble?? like if is the enemy on the air you can hit him but if is on the ground (ragdolled) you cant hit him
You could probably have those values set up in a table or something that’ll collect all of that and just have the arguments of the :FireServer grab it from there.