How to get a turret to face a player

Turret hierarchy:

TurretShooty is unanchored besides the primary part which all parts are welded to

TurretMovey is all anchored including primary part

When turret movey moves so does turret shooty.

I want turretshooty to face the player’s root accordingly to its Y axis.

Heres the aiming part of the script:

-- Face target to then shoot
function FaceTarget()
	local CurrentTarget = Targets[1].Character
	local CurrentTargetHumanoid = CurrentTarget.Humanoid
	if CurrentTargetHumanoid.Health > 0 then
		local CharacterPosition = CurrentTarget.PrimaryPart.Position

		-- Calculate rotation for TurretMovey
		local NewMoveyCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(TurretMovey.PrimaryPart.Position, CharacterPosition -, -180, 0))
		local TurretMoveyCFrame = CFrame.fromMatrix(TurretMovey.PrimaryPart.Position, TurretMovey.PrimaryPart.CFrame.XVector, NewMoveyCFrame.YVector)

		-- Calculate rotation for TurretShooty



For a motor6d/weld CFrame method you can do this:

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ive been trying to avoid physics based coding
if no one else has got a solution ill use this, thank you for the resource

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use :ToOrientation().


local TurretShootyPosition = Script.Parent.Position
local LookAtCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(TurretShootyPosition,pos2)

local PitchAngle,_,_ = LookAtCFrame:ToOrientation()
local CFrameResult = * CFrame.Angles(PitchAngle,0,0)

If it seems to be reversed then change the PitchAngle in the CFrame.Angles() bit to -PitchAngle. And CFrameResult should be the CFrame you wanted.

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me too i dont even wanna know what it is

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okay i mean with some tweaking i could get this to work but turret move doesnt move turret shooty now

local NewMoveyCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(TurretMovey.PrimaryPart.Position, CharacterPosition -, -180, 0))

Why are you subtracting by, -180, 0) here?

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(in this demo i disabled the script Korpsii provided)

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local TurretShootyPosition = Script.Parent.Position
local LookAtCFrame = CFrame.lookAt(TurretShootyPosition,pos2)

local PitchAngle,_,_ = LookAtCFrame:ToOrientation()
local CFrameResult = TurretMovey.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(PitchAngle,0,0)


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Hi, I’d recommend that watch these videos, it explains how to make a turret, like yours.


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